Timeless designs inspired by a bygone era.

Drawing inspiration from the evocative La Belle Époque, known as "the beautiful era," Caitlin Justesen, owner of Radcliffe House Designs, infuses her designs with a captivating blend of romance and historical resonance.

Caitlin's approach is rooted in meticulous research of 19th-century domestic design, allowing her to harness the era's essence and translate it into the homes of her clientele. With a dedicated commitment to authenticity, she crafts interiors that tell a captivating story of a time long past while seamlessly integrating the comforts and conveniences of contemporary living.

"Behind each brushstroke, every contour of furniture, and within every nook of a home, a story eagerly awaits. My passion is to unveil those stories by honoring the legacy of remarkable artists, craftsmen, and the ethos of 19th-century interior design that came before us."

-Caitlin Justesen, Owner of Radcliffe House Designs

Let’s talk.

Schedule your free consultation today.

Contact: Owner@RadcliffeHouseDesigns.com